Congratulations for your errors!

Congratulations for your errors! According to the dictionary, a mistake is a “breach of a rule” while an error is “believing what is false to be true.” At Qoclico, a mistake is considered to have occurred when, for example, a verb is not conjugated in the right tense when the tense in question has already been learnt and should have been mastered. It will be an error, if the tense expected

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Why did I create Qoclico?

Why did I create Qoclico?   A little explanation is in order. Who’s behind Qoclico? Well, it’s me, Anne-Sophie. A wandering French woman… …expatriate… I have lived in several European countries, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and Central America, nine countries in total. In most cases, I have taught French as a foreign language, commonly known as “FLE.” In turn as a teacher, pedagogical coordinator, teaching department director, I

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